Chris Chung | Research

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My research interests lie in the representation theory of quantum groups and categorification. I have worked with quantum symmetric pairs, quantum covering groups, and quantum groups at roots of unity, and am interested in the interplay between these objects, and their connections to geometry (p-canonical basis) and higher categorical structure (Khovanov-Qi's Hopfological Algebra program).

arXiv    Research Gate    Google Scholar

  1. Canonical bases arising from ıquantum covering groups
    arXiv version
      Abstract: (click to expand)

      For ıquantum covering groups (U,Uı) of super Kac-Moody type, we construct ı-canonical bases for the highest weight integrable U-modules and their tensor products regarded as Uı-modules, as well as a canonical basis for the modified form of the ıquantum covering group Uı, using the ıπ-divided powers, rank one canonical basis for Uı.

  2. A Serre Presentation for the ıQuantum Covering Groups
    arXiv version
      Abstract: (click to expand)

      Let (U,Uı) be a quasi-split quantum symmetric pair of Kac-Moody type. The ıquantum group Uı admits a Serre presentation featuring the ı-Serre relations in terms of ı-divided powers. Generalizing this result, we give a Serre presentation Uπı of quantum symmetric pairs (Uπ,Uπı) for quantum covering algebras Uπ, which have an additional parameter π that specializes to the Lusztig quantum group when π=1 and quantum supergroups of anisotropic type when π=−1. We give a Serre presentation for Uπı, introducing the ıπ-Serre relations and ıπ-divided powers.

  3. Quantum Supergroups VI: Roots of 1 (with Thomas Sale and Weiqiang Wang)
    Lett. Math. Phys. 109 (2019), pp. 2753-2777,
    arXiv version   journal version
      Abstract: (click to expand)

      A quantum covering group is an algebra with parameters q and π subject to π²=1, and it admits an integral form; it specializes to the usual quantum group at π=1 and to a quantum supergroup of anisotropic type at π=−1. In this paper we establish the Frobenius–Lusztig homomorphism and Lusztig–Steinberg tensor product theorem in the setting of quantum covering groups at roots of 1. The specialization of these constructions at π=1 recovers Lusztig’s constructions for quantum groups at roots of 1.

% Here are some other notes and slides from some other talks I have given.

email: chrischung [at] virginia [dot] edu | office at OIST: L4F22 (Lab 4, Floor F)